The Free Joy
of Creativity Being Bound to the Limited World of the Musical Formation of
The Natural Desire of the Creative Music Listener for Complete Release of
His Innermost Creative Power
The Light of Life of Truth in Music
In the True Tone Creator the Love of Man Dominates over the Love of Music
The Tradition of Music Creators
Desire for Liberation
in the state of supreme musical fulfilment, we immerse our radiant eye into
the limited musical worlds of the sequences, the motifs, and the sounds, then
we notice in our inner, radiant fulfilment a very inconspicuous shadow of
And we realize that this tiny shadow of non-fulfilment is associated with
ourselves looking out into the limited musical world that this looking
out entails a minute bondage of our free musical joy of creativity to the
limited world of forming the tones.
we want to turn our vision back and keep it steadily directed towards the
perfect musical force-field of the harmony, for this absolute musical world
alone guarantees us unspoiled fulfilment.
Our desire to eliminate even the most minute impairment of our perfect musical
experience stems from our natural innermost strive for the complete release
of our innermost creative power.
But then we observe that, along with retiring our attention from the relative musical process of knowing, all life vanishes in this limited world of music.
And when we imagine now the new music listener who is still at the outset of his relative musical road to knowledge, and when we imagine how, with our retreat from the relative musical fields of knowledge, even the last ray of light of factual musical knowledge fades for him, then we decide at our own discretion and in favour of the music listener who aspires to knowledge, to leave our attention from the absolute musical level of the harmony on the relative musical force-fields of the musical process of gaining knowledge, even if we thereby reduce our personal complete musical fulfilment by a minute degree.
we decide in favour of that inner desire for liberation which we know to be
present in every music listener.
It was this so fundamentally human desire for liberation that once urged us
to enter the path of musical gaining knowledge, that firmly held us there,
and that let us complete the musical process of knowing unperturbedly.
However, success was possible only because before, within the absolute musical force-field of the harmony, another music listener, now turned music creator, had freely decided in our favour to keep his attention in the relative musical force-fields, to personally light us the path of knowledge into the infinity of the harmony.
And here we witness the birth of a tone creator of a music creator.