Unclear Perception of the Musical Tone-Space in the Motif-Space
The Difficulty of Perceiving Musical Diversity in the Sequence-Spaces
Wrong Expectations of the Understanding Due to Lack of Sensitivity
Understanding Without
the Perfect Nourishment
of Pure Self-Awareness
In the relative waking state of consciousness our under-standing was not yet able to draw the fullness of nourishment from the pure energy field of the harmony this resulted in a lack of sensitivity of this musical tool of cognition, and there-fore the understanding was not able to make out a clear pic-ture of the musical sound- space within the motif-space.
Perceiving the musical diversity in the sequence-space even turned out to be incomparably more difficult for our under-standing, because here the understanding was forced to first of all find the motifs invisible in these spaces.
this would have been possible only if the under-standing had succeeded in
observing with the subtle, highly sensitive, cognizant eyes of the sequences
the world of the sequence.
Instead, the understanding constantly looked only into the grosser worlds
of the musical sound-space.
So, due to the experiences in its process of knowing so far, the understanding put up with missing, at least in its direct sur-roundings, diversity more and more on its further musical path of knowledge.